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Radiata Pine

Pinus radiata, family Pinaceae, also known as the insignis pine or radiata pine,is a species of pine native in the Central Coast of California,Mexico and South America.

Pinus radiata is a versatile, fast-growing, medium-density softwood, suitable for a wide range of uses. Its silviculture is highly developed, and is built on a firm foundation of over a century of research, observation and practice Radiata pine is often considered a model for growers of other plantation species. It is the most widely planted pine in the world, valued for rapid growth and desirable lumber and pulpqualities.

Greenshore Radiata Pine production:

Greenshore nowdays rely on its industrial structure for the monthly production and exportation of more than 30.000 MT of Radiata Pine Softwood chips all originated from certified plantations and we invite our potential customers to visit our factory.

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